Dancing, Learning, Moving, Growing!
Free Sample Dance Classes! Scroll down for dates, times, and easy registration!
Twirl Tuesdays &
Wiggle Wednesdays
Creative dance and movement fun for little ones!
For 3 and 4 year olds, classes are open to new and currently enrolled students.
Explore dance and make new friends as we jump, leap, twirl and get those wiggles out!
Dancewear welcome, but not required. Dress comfortably to move. Bare feet, grippy socks, or ballet slippers.
Free Class Fridays &
Sample Class Saturdays
Engage your child in dance and watch them soar!
FREE, Fun, sample dance classes in a variety of styles, with options for 2 age groups.
~Kindergarten thru 2nd grade~
~Grades 3 thru 5~
New and currently enrolled students welcome.
Dancewear welcome, but not required. Dress comfortably to move. Bare feet or ballet slippers.